Catholic Education Week is an opportunity for all Catholic education communities around Queensland to celebrate and promote the distinctive mission of Catholic schooling: to make a difference in the lives of students and in the wider community by challenging young people to reach their full potential as compassionate, contributing, life-giving members of society.
It’s also an opportunity to celebrate the unsung heroes through The Spirit of Catholic Education Awards (SOCE Awards).
The SOCE Awards are state-wide and conducted by the Queensland Catholic Education Commission (QCEC). They recognise individuals or teams who are making an outstanding contribution to the life of the school community.
Catholic Education Diocese of Cairns is proud to congratulate Nat See Kee as the 2019 SOCE Cairns Diocese recipient and Robyn Bloomfield as the co-recipient of the 2019 SOCE Aunty Joan Reconciliation Award.
2019 SOCE Aunty Joan Reconciliation Award: Robyn Bloomfield, Holy Spirit College, Cooktown
Robyn is the matriarch of the Boarding School at Holy Spirit College and holds the boarding family together with love, care and strength. Robyn cares for every young person with love, respect and empathy, as if they were her own children; they become part of a large extended family.
Robyn goes out of her way to ensure each young person is treated in an equitable manner and she gives of her time, resources and self to those who need it most. It may mean being a shoulder to cry on or finding a young person a pair of shoes. It can also mean going and working with families or taking someone to the doctor if a health issue arises. In essence, Robyn notices a need and ensures the young person doesn’t feel deprived, isolated or different.
Robyn gives of her time freely and connects with communities, contacting parents, families and carers to keep them up to date. Robyn talks with community organisations and support agencies to assist young people in their transition to the college or from the college onto other boarding schools. Robyn continues her community work during holiday breaks and in her ‘time off’. The relationships Robyn develops has resulted in young people and community engaging with the college to assist those who would otherwise be lost from education.
Robyn also works with the college staff to bring a greater understanding of Aboriginal and Torres strait Islander culture and history. As new staff arrive, Robyn ensures they have an understanding of today’s First Nations’ culture as well as the local history.
In nominating Robyn for this award, I know she would not consider the extraordinary work she does as being anything special, it is just what she does. Her caring for others comes naturally to her. The relationships Robyn builds and the work she does touches many people in the Holy Spirit College community and beyond. Robyn truly represents the spirit of service to others.
2019 SOCE Cairns Diocese recipient: Nat See Kee, Our Lady Help of Christians School, Earlville
Over Nat’s 15 years at Our Lady Help Of Christians School (OLHOC) she has presented a great commitment to her job and the care for all children. She shows an excellent work ethic and helps solve issues with students each and every day.
The students trust and love the care and attention she delivers. As part of her role she volunteers her time running the community cup program with the school sports captains each day. Nat is very popular among the students from Prep through to Year 6. Nat actively participates in classroom activities and discussions and always helps support those students who are in need, particularly those students who have additional learning and behavioural needs.
She is an active member of the OLHOC staff community social club and is an honest and trustworthy staff member. On many occasions she has stepped into our tuck shop to help or even run the tuck shop when the convener is away. She supports the Travel Smart events serving light breakfast for all the students who participate. Nat is a very organised and committed school officer at OLHOC. She goes above and beyond her work contact hours, helping students every morning with homework or assessment tasks. Nat is very encouraging and a positive role model. Outside of school Nat is part of the Rosies Friends on the Street team servicing the homeless people in Cairns on a regular roster. Nat is one of the most personable, kind hearted and selfless people and would be a worthy recipient of these awards.
For all state-wide award recipients, visit