Free and confidential support services are available for parents and caregivers going through tough times.
Parenting is a journey that can be challenging, particularly during periods of financial pressure.
Many in the Far North have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact will likely be felt long after restrictions are eased.
Getting support early can help families get back on track and keep home life stable for children, so they can continue to develop in a healthy and positive way.
Family and Child Connect is a free service that links families to a range of local organisations, who can offer help with:
- managing child behaviors
- building better family relationships
- stopping any violence at home
- budgeting and managing money
- alcohol, drug or gambling problems
- housing, health care or other community or government services.
The service offers unlimited access and there is no cost involved.
Call 13 FAMILY (13 32 64) or visit