The Australian Bishops have identified the liturgical year of 2018, beginning on the first Sunday of Advent (3rd December 2017), as a national Year of Youth.
The Year of Youth invites the Church into prayerful discernment about the importance and life-giving presence of young people in the local Church and society. It calls for dialogue and active engagement focused on the reconnection and renewal of a new generation of young people in the life of the Church.
Year of Youth Aims
- prayerfully discern the Australian Bishops vision for ministry with young people, Anointed and Sent
- authentic and personal engagement by Church leaders in the challenges and success in young people’s lives
- acknowledging the Holy Spirit at work in the lives of young people, and young people acting upon the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church;
- upholding the dignity of young people, ensuring a safe environment from physical, emotional and spiritual harmThe aims for the Year of Youth dovetail together with the goals of Anointed and Sent: an Australian vision for catholic youth ministry provide a rich framework and challenges local faith communities to explore new horizons as they accompany young people into maturity.
Invitation to Year of Youth