How do schools teach religion these days?
Contemporary Contexts of School Religious Education
Four contexts have been identified as having a significant impact on Religious Education in contemporary Catholic and ecumenical schools. They are the Societal Context, Ecclesial Context, Educational Context and Digital Context. No one context can be ignored and each offers opportunities and challenges to schools as they endeavour to deliver high quality Religious Education in faithful and authentically responsive ways.
Societal Context
The Catholic and ecumenical schools of the Diocese of Cairns operate in a complex and ever-changing environment. Contemporary students are immersed in a global world and from an early age are exposed to a range of values represented through diverse media. Most students have some awareness of the diverse cultures, religions and belief systems of the world. In this context, the Catholic Christian tradition may be seen as one option among many. Students in Diocesan schools are part of the broader Australian culture that promotes tolerance of, and provides legal protection for, a range of religious beliefs and practices. While the contribution of religious groups in addressing social disadvantage and promoting social welfare is recognised and respected, many Australians are uncertain of and at times, indifferent to, the relevance of beliefs and practices of religion in their daily lives.
Catholic and ecumenical schools embrace families from a wide range of socio-economic and cultural backgrounds. Parents enrol their children in Diocesan schools for a variety of reasons. While many parents want their children to experience Catholic Christian values and traditions, some do not fully understand the foundational nature and central importance of the religious and spiritual dimension of Catholic education.
As a consequence, schools are continually challenged to engage families in Religious Education in rich and relevant ways.
In this way the Catholic school’s public role is clearly perceived. It has not come into being as a private initiative, but as an expression of the reality of the Church, having by its nature a public character. It fulfils a service of public usefulness…decidedly configured in the perspective of the Catholic faith (The Catholic School on the Threshold of the Third Millennium, 1997, n.16).
Therefore, Religious Education in the Diocese of Cairns seeks to reflect a Catholic Christian worldview that integrates faith, life and culture. At the same time it seeks to embrace an ecumenical perspective and reflect the multi-faith context and reality of contemporary schools and colleges.
Ecclesial Context
Brisbane Catholic Education’s research project, Who’s coming to school today? (2009), confirmed the experience of many teachers and school leaders about the religious engagement of students and their families. An increasing number of students and their families are less engaged with the formal life of the Church than in the past. Consequently, for many students, the culture and language of religion is underdeveloped.
The claim is frequently made that Australians have a hesitancy in matters of religion and spirituality and a limited capacity to articulate and publicly proclaim their religious beliefs and spiritual values. This reluctance to speak about religious matters can lead to perceptions that many are disinterested in religion but this is not necessarily the case. An inconsistent or infrequent involvement in the formal life of the Church does not necessarily equate with a disinterest in religious and spiritual matters. As an integral expression of Church, schools have the opportunity to support students and their families by connecting them with the Catholic Christian tradition and its spiritual richness; providing a forum in which this tradition can be experienced and explored. Religious Education serves to provide students with a religious voice that they can bring to everyday life experience; a lens through which they might view the world.
Catholic and ecumenical schools increasingly provide the introductory and developmental understanding and experience of Church for students and their families. This is supported when the school is a place where students and their families encounter the mission and outreach of the Church, especially through pastoral care and the experience of Catholic Christian community.
It is from its Catholic identity that the school derives its authenticity and form as a genuine place of real and specific pastoral ministry. The Catholic school participates in the evangelising mission of the Church and is a privileged environment in which Christian education is carried out (The Catholic School on the Threshold of the Third Millennium, 1997, n.11).
Therefore, Religious Education in the Diocese of Cairns seeks to promote knowledge, deep understanding and skills about the Catholic and broader Christian tradition within the broader evangelising mission of the Church (Strategic Renewal Framework for Catholic Schooling, Archdiocese of Brisbane, 2012 – 2016).
Educational Context
Each Diocesan school seeks transformation of the whole person so that those in the school community are empowered to live the gospel of Jesus Christ in their everyday lives. In the Catholic Christian tradition, education is a work of love and service. Schools seek to nurture and develop the faith of individuals in ways that are mindful of their cultural and religious identity.
The school is primarily a place for learning and teaching. Individually and collectively the Catholic and ecumenical schools of the Cairns Diocese seek to educate all to live the gospel of Jesus Christ by being empowered to shape and enrich our world (Brisbane Catholic Education Learning and Teaching Framework, 2012).
The scope of education has broadened and become increasingly complex. Rapid and constant social change requires the development of fresh educational frameworks and approaches and the building of new capacities to meet the demands of the present and the future. Educators are constantly challenged to respond to the realities they face in the light of their evangelising mission to live and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. In short, Diocesan schools are called to be relevant; to read the signs of the times by integrating faith, life and culture.
Catholic and ecumenical schools seek to be counter-cultural, challenging negative societal influences that impact upon the spiritual wellbeing of their students, such as excessive individualism, moral relativism and consumerism. In doing so, educators in their mission of evangelisation also draw upon positive social values such as care for the environment, justice and peace, outreach to the poor and the marginalised and community service.
In the Catholic school’s educational project there is no separation between time for learning and time for formation, between acquiring notions and growing in wisdom (The Catholic School on the Threshold of the Third Millennium, 1997, n.14).
Therefore, Religious Education in the Cairns Diocese builds on best practice of the broader educational community. The classroom learning and teaching of religion reflects the philosophy, content, structure, academic rigour and assessment and reporting modes used in other learning areas. The religious life of the school forms and skills students to negotiate the tension of maintaining Christian integrity when confronted with the complexities of life in contemporary society.
Digital Context
The rapid growth in the development and use of technology continues to impact significantly on schools. An increasing number of students are skilled in their use of electronic and digital resources, regularly using mobile devices as their preferred means of communication. This enables them to engage in new ways of belonging and have access to a world of ideas and knowledge literally at their fingertips. Definitions of “community” have changed to include not just a physical sense of community but also connections between people in digital communities.
These advances in the way society accesses and engages with information and networks has created new forms of language and expression with their associated cultures and sub-cultures, imagery and rituals. This digital context provides opportunities and challenges to school communities as they seek new ways of promoting the religious development and spiritual formation of students. As Pope Benedict XVI has acknowledged:
These technologies are truly a gift to humanity and we must endeavour to ensure that the benefits they offer are put at the service of all human individuals and communities, especially those who are most disadvantaged and vulnerable (Message for the 43rd World Communications Day, 2009).
Therefore, Religious Education in the Cairns Diocese seeks to engage students in the critical, creative, and responsible use of digital tools which is an important component of digital citizenship. This enables them to express their learning in rich and relevant ways and connect with individuals and communities in a global context.
Overview of the RE Curriculum
Prep Level Description
The Religion Curriculum P-12 involves four strands: Sacred Texts, Beliefs, Church and Christian Life. These strands are interrelated and are taught in an integrated way, and in ways that are appropriate to specific local contexts.
In Prep, students learn about some Old Testament and New Testament stories that tell of a God of love, the creator of all, the goodness of God’s creation, God’s special relationship with all of creation and God’s plan that people help each other to live safely and happily together, for the good of all.
Students listen to, read and view stories of and about Jesus in the Gospels that tell of Jesus’ life as a Jew, his mother Mary, his friends and family; of Jesus praying and teaching others to pray; of his teachings about love, compassion and forgiveness that challenged people about the way they were living; and of his suffering, death and resurrection. They learn that Christians believe God created people with the freedom to choose between good and bad, right and wrong. They explore examples of times, from familiar texts and their personal experience, when people make these choices.
Students understand that prayer helps believers follow the teachings of Jesus; to live according to God’s plan. They learn about ways in which believers pray, either alone or with others, including the Sign of the Cross and Amen. They observe ways in which believers pray together during special celebrations and rituals that mark important times in the life of believers and in the Church year. They learn about the Church building as a sacred place for believers and the Bible as a sacred book for believers.
Year 1 Level Description
The Religion Curriculum P-12 involves four strands: Sacred Texts, Beliefs, Church and Christian Life. These strands are interrelated and are taught in an integrated way, and in ways that are appropriate to specific local contexts.
In Year 1, students explore the Christian teaching that all people are created in God’s own image, with dignity and natural rights. They learn about living in accordance with God’s plan for all creation: living safely and happily in community and in loving relationship with God, with a responsibility to care for all creation and using God’s gift of freedom to make choices responsibly. They engage with a variety of Old Testament texts to learn about God’s presence in the lives of individuals and communities and make connections to their own experiences. They explore the words, actions and symbols used in the Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist to communicate God’s presence and action. They learn about the different roles in the local parish community.
Students learn about the nature of Jesus’ mission and ministry. They explore aspects of Jewish daily life at the time of Jesus. They listen to, view and read accounts from different Gospels of key events, places and characters in the life of Jesus and explore similarities and differences in these accounts. They explore the many ways in which Mary, Mother of Jesus, is honoured by Christians past and present and develop their understanding of the Hail Mary, a Catholic prayer honouring Mary. Students understand that prayer was an important part of Jesus’ life and is important in the lives of believers. They continue to learn about ways in which believers pray, either alone or with others
Year 2 Level Description
The Religion Curriculum P-12 involves four strands: Sacred Texts, Beliefs, Church and Christian Life. These strands are interrelated and are taught in an integrated way, and in ways that are appropriate to specific local contexts.
In Year 2, students learn about aspects of God’s nature and God’s relationship with people, as they engage with a variety of New Testament texts depicting the teachings and actions of Jesus and Old Testament texts that describe God’s relationship with the Jewish people. They explore contextual information about the first century Mediterranean world, to better appreciate the life and times of Jesus. They learn about Jesus’ mission and ministry and explore ways in which Jesus’ teachings and actions continue to guide the life of the Church community today. They explore, recognise and appreciate the history of a parish community as it is revealed in many ways.
Students learn about the sacredness of all creation, especially human life; the call to be co-creators and stewards of God’s creation; and the responsibility to pursue peace and justice out of respect for human life and all creation. They develop their understanding of the loving relationship God unconditionally offers to people; and their understanding of sin, as evident in the free choices that harm the individual and their loving relationships with God, with others and with all creation. They explore ways in which believers seek to heal these relationships through reconciliation and prayer. They investigate ways in which believers celebrate reconciliation with God and with others in the Sacrament of Penance.
Students examine ways in which prayer and the wisdom of the saints help believers to nurture their loving relationships with God, with others and with all creation. They develop their understanding of prayer in the Christian tradition through an exploration of prayer for forgiveness (acts of contrition and Penitential Act) and meditative prayer.
Year 3 Level Description
The Religion Curriculum involves four strands: Sacred Texts, Beliefs, Church and Christian Life. These strands are interrelated and are taught in an integrated way; and in ways that are appropriate to specific local contexts.
In Year 3, students develop their understanding of God’s relationship with people as individuals and as community, and the presence and action of God in daily life experiences, as they engage with a variety of texts (including key stories from the Torah, images of God used in Old Testament texts, and the wisdom of prayers attributed to the saints). They develop an appreciation of the order and harmony of creation. They learn about the cultural contexts in which the Gospels were written and the text types used in the New Testament to develop their understanding of the life and teaching of Jesus and the Christian belief that Jesus is the Messiah.
Students develop an appreciation of the Scriptures as a basis for Christian moral living, including respect for basic human rights and acknowledgement of responsibilities, in particular to the poor and disadvantaged. They develop an appreciation of the collaboration of clergy, religious and laity as they learn about significant features of a parish and diocese, past and present. They learn about the significance of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) for the Church community. They investigate prayers of thanksgiving and prayers of praise, including psalms and doxologies, to facilitate an appreciation of the significance of these forms of prayer for Christians.
Year 4 Level Description
The Religion Curriculum P-12 involves four strands: Sacred Texts, Beliefs, Church and Christian Life. These strands are interrelated and are taught in an integrated way, and in ways that are appropriate to specific local contexts.
In Year 4, students develop their understanding of God’s Word in Scripture as they use the Bible’s referencing system to locate books, people, places and things in the Bible and engage with a variety of books and text types in the Old Testament and New Testament. They listen to, read, view and interpret Scriptural passages that express God as Father, as Son and as Holy Spirit, to learn about the Christian belief that God, as Trinity, is relational in nature.
Students begin to appreciate the significance of community for Christians: of living in loving relationship with God, others and all of creation. They develop their understanding of community through an exploration of different texts, including the Decalogue and the writings of St Paul, and the experiences of different communities, including Jewish communities in first century Palestine, early Church communities in Australia (c.1788 CE – c.1850 CE) and contemporary parishes and dioceses. They examine how free choices result in actions that affect the individual and their community. They broaden their understanding of the significance of the Sacraments for Church communities through an exploration of the Sacraments of Healing, including Anointing of the Sick and Penance. They examine prayers of blessing, petition and intercession to facilitate an appreciation of the significance of these forms of prayer for Christian communities.
Year 5 Level Description
The Religion Curriculum P-12 involves four strands: Sacred Texts, Beliefs, Church and Christian Life. These strands are interrelated and are taught in an integrated way, and in ways that are appropriate to specific local contexts.
In Year 5, students begin to appreciate the significance of community for sharing and strengthening the faith of believers, past and present, including the Church in the Australian colonies (c.1850 CE – c.1900 CE). Using a range of Biblical tools, they begin to see how the Gospel writers shaped their Gospels for particular communities. They learn about the action of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers as they engage with a variety of texts, including Scriptural references to the Holy Spirit and the Catholic Rite of Confirmation. They develop their understanding of Christian charity and informed moral choice through an exploration of the experiences of individuals and communities, past and present. They broaden their appreciation of the significance of personal and communal prayer and worship (including the Eucharist, the Psalms, Sabbath rituals and prayers); and the wisdom of the Saints (including St Mary of the Cross MacKillop) for communities of believers. They learn about the significance of Marian prayers (including the Hail Mary, the Rosary and the Litany of Mary of Nazareth) in which believers praise God and entrust cares and petitions to Mary as mother of Jesus and mother of the Church
Year 6 Level Description
The Religion Curriculum P-12 involves four strands: Sacred Texts, Beliefs, Church and Christian Life. These strands are interrelated and are taught in an integrated way, and in ways that are appropriate to specific local contexts.
In Year 6, students are introduced to the Christian understanding of faith and the term ‘communion of saints’. They develop their understanding of the many ways in which faith is lived out and celebrated in the lives of believers past and present. They learn about the contexts and key messages of some Old Testament prophets and the contribution of some key people (laity, religious and clergy) to the shaping of the Church in Australia (c. 1900 CE to present). They understand the significance of Jesus’ New Law for the way believers live their faith, including an exploration of the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. They develop their understanding of the role of celebrations in the faith life of believers, including the commemoration of High Holy Days by Jewish believers and the Church’s liturgical celebrations (including the Eucharist). They develop their understanding of prayer in the Christian tradition through an exploration of the Our Father, The Examen, and meditative prayer practices including prayer journaling.
They are introduced to the Church teaching that the Holy Spirit guided the formation of the New Testament. Using a range of Biblical tools, they engage with a variety of Scriptural texts that describe Jesus’ relationship with God the Father and with humanity and proclaim Jesus as fulfilling all of God’s promises in the Old Testament.
Year 7 Level Description
The Religion Curriculum P-12 involves four strands: Sacred Texts, Beliefs, Church and Christian Life. These strands are interrelated and are taught in an integrated way, and in ways that are appropriate to specific local contexts.
In Year 7, students learn about the beliefs, values and practices of Christian communities, past and present, including early Church communities (c.6 BCE – c. 650CE), communities of religious men and women and Australian Catholic Church communities. They explore cultural and historical influences on these communities and change and continuity over time. They learn about the common beginnings of faith shared by the monotheistic religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) through the stories of patriarchs, Moses and the prophets. They explore ways in which communities of believers, past and present, express their understanding of God and God’s relationship with human persons. In particular, they develop their understanding of the Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed and the Decalogue.
Students explore contextual information about sacred texts, using a range of Biblical tools, to gain a deeper awareness of these texts and how they influence communities of believers. They examine Church teaching and basic principles of Christian morality that influence the way Christians live out their faith, individually and communally.
Students examine ways in which believers nurture their spiritual life through prayer, ritual, the sacraments and sacred texts. They develop their understanding of prayer in the Christian tradition through an exploration of Lectio Divina and Ignatian Meditation. They investigate the relationship between the Sacraments of the Church, the life and ministry of Jesus, and the faith journey and life experiences of believers
Year 8 Level Description
The Religion Curriculum P-12 involves four strands: Sacred Texts, Beliefs, Church and Christian Life. These strands are interrelated and are taught in an integrated way, and in ways that are appropriate to specific local contexts.
In Year 8, students engage with a variety of images and words that express the mystery of the Trinity, the fundamental Christian belief that God is relational in nature. They are introduced to the theme of covenant, as unique relationship between God and God’s people, through an exploration of the actions and messages of some Old Testament prophets. They explore the Christian belief in God’s saving plan for all creation and ways in which believers past and present are part of God’s saving plan through their faith and action in the world. They learn about the preaching, achievements and challenges of the earliest followers of Jesus, as described in The Acts of the Apostles. They are introduced to the significant challenges and changes in the Church from c.650 CE – c.1750 CE and the influence of significant people, groups and ideas at that time. They develop their understanding of the many ways in which the Church is present and active in the world today, including participation in liturgy and other personal and communal prayer experiences; informed response to emerging moral questions; practice of cardinal virtues, and witness to the ecumenical spirit through praying and working for Christian unity.
Students continue to develop their understanding of prayer in the Christian tradition through an exploration of The Liturgy of the Hours; meditative prayer, including praying with scripture; and meditative prayer practices, including centred breathing and attending to posture. They learn about the significance of initiation rituals in the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam) for the faith journey of believers.
Year 9 Level Description
The Religion Curriculum P-12 involves four strands: Sacred Texts, Beliefs, Church and Christian Life. These strands are interrelated and are taught in an integrated way, and in ways that are appropriate to specific local contexts.
In Year 9, students develop their understanding of the experience of sin throughout human history and some ways in which the Church responded to the presence of good and evil in the past (c.1750 CE – 1918 CE). They learn about the priestly, prophetic and kingly work of Jesus Christ and ways in which believers live their Christian vocation by participation in this work. They consider sources of inspiration, strength and guidance for believers today, including Catholic social teaching, the three forms of penance (prayer, fasting and almsgiving), Scripture, celebration of the Sacraments of Healing (Penance and Anointing of the Sick), and personal and communal prayer experiences. They are introduced to two forms of Biblical criticism, namely form criticism and narrative criticism, and develop the ability to apply these to help their understanding, interpretation and use of a range of Biblical texts. They continue to develop their understanding of prayer in the Christian tradition through an exploration of the writings of Christian spiritual fathers and mothers, prayers for forgiveness and healing, Christian Meditation and meditative prayer practices, including praying with labyrinths.
Students learn about the divergent understandings of God (Allah, God, G*d) in the monotheistic religions (Islam, Christianity, Judaism). They develop their understanding of three foundational beliefs of Christianity (the Incarnation, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus) and consider their significance for believers
Year 10 Level Description
The Religion Curriculum P-12 involves four strands: Sacred Texts, Beliefs, Church and Christian Life. These strands are interrelated and are taught in an integrated way, and in ways that are appropriate to specific local contexts.
In Year 10, students learn about various ways in which humans have understanding of the mystery of God or the ‘Other’, which is ultimately beyond human language, concepts and stories. These include the human experience of the created world; the valuable insights of the major world religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism) as reflected in their core beliefs and practices; the different representations of God in Old Testament and New Testament texts by various human authors in different historical, social and cultural contexts; Christian spiritual writings that search for the mystery of God in the midst of world events and the course of human history; and participation in personal and communal prayer that can lead believers to contemplation (the simple awareness of the presence of God).
Students explore how the Church has responded to the range of unprecedented threats to both human ecology and environmental ecology facing Australian and the Modern World (c. 1918 to the present) from science, technology, materialism, consumerism and political ideologies. They develop critical understanding of the various sources that guide the Church’s action in the world today, including the teaching of Jesus and the early Church, the principles of Catholic social teaching and the reasoned judgements of conscience, carefully formed and examined. They examine the Eucharist as the primary and indispensable source of nourishment for the spiritual life of believers, who carry on Jesus’ mission in the world. They continue to develop their understanding of prayer in the Christian tradition through an exploration of Centering Prayer; prayers for justice, peace and the environment, including the Prayer of St Francis, the Magnificat and the Canticle of Creation; and meditative prayer practices, including praying with the help of nature.