Catholic schools are an integral part of the Church and are Christ-centred communities based on gospel values.
Catholic education strives to make a difference in the lives of individuals and in the wider community by challenging young people, through God, to find meaning and value in their lives and reach their full potential as compassionate, contributing, life-giving members of society who are highly skilled, informed, tolerant, open and just.
Quality Education
Catholic schools seek to provide not only a high-quality academic and vocational education, giving due emphasis to the fundamental literacy and numeracy skills required for both learning and life, but also a faith and values based holistic education for all their students.
A Life to the Full
Catholic schools emphasise personal and social development as fundamental enduring values and requirements in an ever-changing world.
This holistic approach provides an educational foundation for life to the full, meaning the full development of the person – intellectually, spiritually, socially, emotionally and physically.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is a priority in Catholic schools in the Cairns Diocese and has been formally integrated into all areas of curriculum.
Social and Emotional well-being is recognised as fundamental to success in learning and life.
Welcoming and Inclusive
Catholic education occurs in welcoming, inclusive, and connected communities. Our schools seek to provide a genuine, safe and caring experience of community, to encourage students to appreciate the intrinsic worth of who they are, to value diversity and treat each other with dignity, enabling students in turn to promote and respect the dignity of all.
Catholic schools are welcoming to all who seek to share their life and wish to entrust their children’s future to Catholic schools because of their explicit goals and acknowledged educational quality.
Partnership with Parents
Our schools recognise and value parents as the first educators of their child and work in close partnership with families to develop young men and women who will become constructive and compassionate members of society.
Our school communities are places where the uniqueness and individuality of students and families is recognised and welcomed, and the human dignity of each student is promoted.
Our dedicated teachers are one of the great strengths of our Catholic school communities and are recognised as being caring and willing to go the extra mile for their students.
Is a Catholic school right for your child and your family?
- Faith and values based learning environment
- A holistic education – academic, spiritual, social, emotional and physical development
- Welcoming, inclusive and family-oriented environment
- High standards of behaviour and respect for self and others
- Safe and caring environment
- Sense of belonging and community
- Nurturing and development of individuals and their abilities
- Quality learning and teaching
- Strong academic reputation
- Broad curriculum and co-curricular options
- Academic, vocational and employment pathways
- Well-resourced and equipped classrooms with full ICT integration
- Development of life-long skills and a love of learning
- Strong links with parents and community
- Commitment to social justice
- Preparation for a life of worth, not simply a life of work