Disclaimer: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that information on this website may contain images, voices or names of people who have passed in photographs, film, audio recordings or printed material.
Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan
In 2017, Bill Dixon, Executive Director of Catholic Education Diocese of Cairns, requested a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Working Group be formed. The RAP Working Group and subsequent Reflect and Innovate RAPs strengthen truth-telling, healing and reconciliation initiatives actively undertaken across the Diocese since 2013 and aligns with CEDC’s Strategic Directions 2021-2025. The inaugural Reflect RAP was launched in 2020 during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic and included 14 key actions aimed at empowering First Nations staff, building respectful relationships, raising awareness, and embracing histories, cultures, languages and spiritualities. In 2023, the Innovate RAP was given unconditional approval and provides 17 key actions for system and school leaders to animate in the areas of Relationships, Respect, Opportunities and Governance.
The Innovate RAP design is built around a stylised contemporary pattern symbolic of both land and sea. It depicts the journey of reconciliation through nurturing and the sharing of knowledge and understanding with students throughout CEDC. Our youth have been integral in animating and ideating our way of truth-telling, healing and reconciliation through the creation of the 30 Reconciliation Icons which now fill the eggs of our Innovate RAP artwork. The young people, their teachers and CES staff who worked collaboratively to create these images will help all members of CEDC reflect on their role in truth-telling. You can read more about the design and youth voice element of the Innovate RAP on pages 10 and 13 respectively.
Dr Andrea O’Brien | Catholic Education Services, Cairns – RAP Champion |
Rachel McLean | Catholic Education Services, Cairns – Co-Chair |
Kylie Agale | Catholic Education Services, Cairns – Co-Chair |
For further information about our RAP and work in truth-telling, healing and reconciliation, contact the RAP Co-Chairs via email rapchair@cns.catholic.edu.au