Catholic Education – Diocese of Cairns strives to “Be welcoming to all who seek to share their life” as one of its seven defining features of Catholic Schools. Inclusive practices are fundamental to the ethos of Catholic schools and form part of the pastoral, spiritual, intellectual, physical, cultural and social development of all students.
The concept of inclusion is based on the provision of a collaborative, supportive and engaging educational environment, where all students are given the opportunities to learn and achieve to their potential, and that promotes the human dignity of each student.
An inclusive practice is defined as, “the practice of providing (educational opportunities) for students with a wide range of abilities, backgrounds and aspirations in regular school settings”.*
* van Kraaynoord, C. E., Elkins, J., Palmer, C., & Rickards, F. (2000) Literacy, Numeracy and students with disabilities, Volume 2 – the literature review. Canberra: Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs,