Apply to Enrol - Catholic Education

Apply to Enrol

When to Apply

All our schools and colleges welcome enrolment enquiries and applications at any time throughout the year, although the enrolment period is generally early in the year preceding enrolment.

Procedures and enrolment times do vary from school to school and parents are encouraged to make contact directly with the school/s of their choice to find out when is the best time to apply.

Contact details of all Catholic schools and colleges in the Cairns Diocese are available on this website, along with links to their websites.

Also in this section of our website is information about who can enrol and myths around Catholic school enrolment.

How to Apply

Application to one or more Catholic schools in the Cairns Diocese can be made with an easy-to-use, online form at the link below, or from any school website.

Each school’s online application form is also accessible from this website, via our Schools Guide.

If applying to more than one school, or applying to enrol more than one child, the online application process is simple and only needs to be completed once. We encourage parents to also make schools aware of younger siblings they may wish to enrol when completing the application form.

You can return to your online application form before submitting, at any time within 30 days of starting, without having to restart your application.

For those who prefer a more traditional method, a printed application form can be collected from each school’s office.

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