Parent Associations and School Boards - Catholic Education

Parent Associations and School Boards

Catholic School Parents Queensland

Qld P&F logo 3

Catholic School Parents Queensland (formerly the Federation of Parents and Friends Associations) was founded in Queensland in 1960 and is endorsed and supported by the Bishops of Queensland, the Directors of Catholic Education Offices and Congregational Leaders.

In 1982 the Federation established a Secretariat (based in Brisbane) to assist with the role and function of the organisation. The Federation’s structure is consistent with Church areas, having Councils of Parents and Friends Associations at each Diocesan level, including the Archdiocese. Each Arch/Diocesan Council elects an Executive Committee for their respective Diocese. The parent network operates in partnership with the parish, system and congregational schools in each Diocese and with each Catholic Education Office under the respective Bishop.

The Federation’s operation and management is the responsibility of the State Committee. To download the P&F Constitution visit

The Federation of Parents and Friends Associations changed its name to Catholic School Parents Queensland in 2018.

P & F Associations

Cairns Diocesan Council
The Federation of P & F Associations Queensland
The Australian Parents Council

Fact Sheets

The Queensland Catholic Education Commission and Federation of Parents and Friends Associations have developed a series of Fact Sheets to help keep the Catholic education community informed about current issues and developments.

If you are a member of a school board or P&F executive this is a resource area for you to access.


Constitutions for direct-funded and Parish school boards and for P&Fs.

Code of Ethics

Our code of ethics for school board members.


Templates, forms, pro formas, standard letters for use by school boards and/or P&Fs.

Prayers for meetings

A selection of prayers.

Formation Readings

A variety of information to get you thinking about the role of school boards and P&Fs.

Formation Videos

A set of informative videos for school boards and P&Fs.


Information on current available grants.

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