Vocational Education & Training (VET)
Vocational Education and Training (VET) in schools are courses undertaken by students as part of their secondary education. They are an alternate pathway for students to enter tertiary education, TAFE or the workplace and provide credit towards a nationally recognised VET qualification within the Australian Qualifications Framework. The secondary schools in the Cairns Diocese are registered as training organisations and deliver a variety of certificate courses to their students.
Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses can be integrated into the secondary school timetable and delivered through on site facilities. Students are able to develop industry specific skills and employability skills and gain entry level trade qualifications whilst still at school. Completion of VET courses can provide students with an alternate pathway to enter tertiary education.
St Andrew’s Catholic College has a Trade Training Centre which has been operating since 2011 offering over twenty Certificate courses to the students.
In late 2010 the Cairns Diocese was successful under the Federal Trade Training in Schools Program to gain funding for the Cairns Catholic Vocational Trade Training Centre (CCVTTC).
St Mary’s Catholic College and St Augustine’s College in Cairns, Good Counsel College in Innisfail, St Stephen’s Catholic College in Mareeba and Mount St Bernard’s College in Herberton worked cooperatively to form the CCVTTC cluster. Planning and building has been ongoing since 2010, with the St Augustine’s hospitality kitchen the final facility completed in late 2014.
St Mary’s Catholic College is the lead school in the cluster. The Trade Training Centre at St Mary’s Catholic College had the building works completed at the end of January 2013. All centres in the cluster are now providing the students in Cairns and surrounds with wonderful industry facilities and opportunities
For information on School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SATs) and vocational pathways, please contact your child’s College.