
Understanding how teachers engage and empower learners is essential for student achievement. According to educational researcher John Hattie, quality teaching is one of the most influential factors impacting student learning. It encompasses not only what teachers know but also what they do and genuinely care about in the classroom.

At Catholic Education Diocese of Cairns, we prioritize effective teaching methods to maximize student learning. Our approach integrates evidence-based strategies tailored to students’ unique needs and interests. Here’s how we achieve this:

Explicit Instruction:

Our teachers deliver concrete, clear, and engaging instruction. They break down complex concepts into manageable steps, ensuring students grasp essential content.

Inquiry-Based Learning:

We encourage curiosity and critical thinking. Students explore real-world problems, ask questions, and actively seek solutions. Inquiry-based learning fosters deeper understanding and problem-solving skills.


Recognizing that every child learns differently, we tailor our teaching methods. Whether through small-group activities, individualized support, or technology integration, we meet students where they are.

Active Engagement:

Our classrooms buzz with student participation. Hands-on activities, discussions, and collaborative projects keep learners engaged and excited about their education.

Evidence-Based Pedagogies:

We draw from research-backed practices. Evidence informs our teaching decisions, ensuring effective learning experiences.

To learn more about our pedagogical practices, contact your child’s school. Together, we create a vibrant learning environment that nurtures growth and success

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