Enrolment Support

Supported Enrolment

At Catholic Education Diocese of Cairns, we recognize that every student is unique and may require additional support in their educational journey. An Enrolment Application Support Process (EASP) is essential when a parent identifies that their child may benefit from extra assistance. This could include students with disabilities, medical diagnoses, learning difficulties, speech or hearing concerns.

Key points about Enrolment Application Support Process (EASP):

  • Flexibility: Supported Enrolment is available for any year level throughout the school year.
  • Collaboration: During the process, parents and the school team meet to discuss the student’s needs and identify necessary educational adjustments.
  • Student-Centered Approach: Adjustments are made to help students fully participate in school, ensuring their comfort and safety.
  • Information Sharing: Supported Enrolment ensures that both the school and family share relevant information about the student, enabling the best possible start to their learning journey.

Additionally, we have a Memorandum of Agreement with the Queensland Department of Education and Training (DET), the Queensland Catholic Education Commission, and the Association of Independent Schools of QLD. This agreement represents our shared understanding regarding dual enrolment and special education services. Dual enrolments, where applicable, occur when a student is enrolled in both a Cairns Catholic Education school and a DET setting. Our Principal and Engagement, Wellbeing & Learning teams can help to facilitate dual enrolments.

Parents are encouraged to take time to visit educational settings when considering enrolment for their child. Transition meetings between settings assist in identifying the support and personnel required to make the transition as successful as possible. The transition meeting also allows student needs to be discussed so that a plan can be developed to make the move as seamless as possible. Please contact your prospective school today.

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