Supporting Students with a Disability - Catholic Education

Supporting Students with a Disability

At Catholic Education, Diocese of Cairns, we embrace diversity and inclusion, aligning with the Church’s social teaching. Our commitment to supporting students with disabilities ensures access to equitable learning opportunities, meeting legislative requirements and our Strategic Directions 2021-2025.

Inclusion and Equity

  • We embrace diversity and inclusion, aligning with the Church’s social teaching, that every child is made in the image and likeness of God.
  • Our commitment to supporting students with disabilities ensures equitable learning opportunities.
  • Evidence-based differentiation practices are embedded in our schools from enrolment until graduation, ensuring that students with disabilities experience equity of access and participation in their learning.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD)

  • All state and territory governments, including non-government school sectors (Catholic and Independent), collaborate with the Federal Government on the NCCD.
  • The NCCD identifies students provided with educational adjustments due to disability.
  • Disability categories include Physical, Cognitive, Sensory, and Social Emotional.
  • The NCCD provides valuable information about the number of students receiving educational adjustments, the level of reasonable education adjustments, and each student’s disability category.

For more information on our approach to support all learners through inclusive learning communities, please refer to our Inclusion Brochure or contact the school.

For more information on NCCD, please refer to the website:

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