SOCE Awards - Catholic Education

SOCE Awards

The SOCE Awards are state-wide and conducted by the Queensland Catholic Education Commission (QCEC).  They recognise individuals or teams (staff members, parents/carers or volunteers) who are making an outstanding contribution to the life of the school community in one or more of the following areas:

  • Showing outstanding integrity in leading a school community or program
  • Implementing change that improves teaching and learning and supports greater equity in education
  • Building Catholic education identity and ethos in ways that support exceptionally life-giving relationships and build hope in school communities or Catholic education agencies
  • Demonstrating excellence in team work that supports and builds Catholic education
  • Demonstrating outstanding service to others in the school education community and beyond.

Aunty Joan Hendriks Reconciliation Award

  • Creating positive change for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and staff and/or developing an improved understanding of First Nations cultural heritage in Catholic school communities.

For further information on the SOCE Awards visit

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