Catholic Education Diocese of Cairns - Catholic Education

Catholic Education Diocese of Cairns

An experience of education with our schools is highly sought out by families in our region, with one in every four students in Far North Queensland attending a Catholic school. Our school communities are great places to grow hearts and minds.

Catholic schools are not just for Catholics though. We feel the Catholic worldview is strengthened by being open to others who are looking for an excellent educational experience within a faith-based community.  Our schools offer quality facilities and access to contemporary learning to facilitate life-long learning in an ever-changing world.

Spanning 377,000km2, Catholic Education in the Diocese of Cairns is made up of 30 school communities, all formed by the Catholic tradition, the story of each other and the context of each place. 

This year, more than 12,000 students have been invited into our learning communities, where moral and ethical, creative and critical thinking are nurtured.

Each day, approximately 1,800 staff are inspired to serve their communities in witness to the Gospel values in our schools. 

Other quick facts:

  • About one in four school students in the Far North attends a Catholic school
  • Students do not need to be Catholic or come from Catholic families or backgrounds – enrolments are welcome from families that are supportive of the values associated with Catholic schools.
  • Catholic schools consistently perform well in NAPLAN, QCE and ATAR results for Year 12, with strong VET pathways, enhanced through the colleges’ Trade Training Centres
  • All schools have a strong family focus and dedicated parent involvement through P&Fs and volunteer programs
  • Catholic education is one of the largest non-government employers in the region

Related Documents

Catholic Schools & Services – Diocese of Cairns
(Click to enlarge map)

Catholic Schools & Services – City of Cairns
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CE Schools & Services – Diocese Map

CE Schools & Services – Cairns City Map

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