Languages - Catholic Education


As the region of Cairns continues to develop cross-country links in trade, business and education and as communication between countries, including our Asian neighbours, increases, the need to be able to share information in languages and have a cultural understanding of the people with whom they are dealing provides an added advantage to young people.

Schools in the Diocese of Cairns offer high quality Languages programmes which provide opportunities to develop Language skills and intercultural understanding. The programmes include Asian and European Languages such as Chinese (Mandarin), Japanese, Indonesian, Italian, French and AUSLAN. They are offered at both the primary and secondary levels of schooling and include participation in student and teacher exchange programs, overseas school holiday excursions and encouraging international connections via new communication technologies.

Catholic Education is also committed to developing opportunities for the study of First Nations languages and culture to promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander wellbeing by strengthening pride in identity and culture.

Through learning Languages students develop and can understand and value their own culture and the cultures of other people, so that they view the world from a wider perspective.

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