Planning for Students

To help ensure that all students are able to access and participate in the Australian Curriculum, planning for individual students may occur within the context of class planning. It is a decision making process that relies on a range of evidence about the learner and ongoing partnerships with parents and other professionals. Decisions about the knowledge, skills and understandings that form the student’s experiences at school are planned for, evaluated, assessed and reported.

Personalised Learning Plans may focus on:

  • Meeting specific individual needs that enable the student to access and to authentically engage with Australian Curriculum content
  • Specific goals related to environmental access, social participation, communication, health and safety
  • Partnerships that enable students to access learning. These partnerships include appropriate interactions between the student, parent/carer, school personnel and specialist support

Schools meet their requirements under the Disability Standards for Education (2005) in a variety of ways to document their planning for individual students or groups of students.

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