Media Consent - Catholic Education

Media Consent

The Privacy Amendment Act 2001 imposes obligations upon organisations collecting personal information to protect that information.

Catholic Schools and Catholic Education Services in the Cairns Diocese, together with affiliated organisations (eg Queensland Catholic Education Commission, Federation of Parents and Friends, etc) carry out ongoing marketing and communication activities to maintain a positive profile in their communities.

While these activities are of interest to the community and add significantly to the appeal of both schools’ and Catholic Education’s publications and websites, the safety of students is paramount in all we do.

Images of individuals in photographs or film are treated as personal information under the Privacy Act where the person’s identity is clear or can reasonably be worked out from that image.

Photos, video footage and work samples of students are used regularly by schools for a number of purposes and under current legislation this practice can continue. These situations are generally for the purpose of acknowledging the efforts of the student or the school, or for promotion of the school or Catholic education generally.


Consent to identify a student (by image or name) for marketing and/or promotional purposes will be sought from a parent or guardian of the student by asking the parent or guardian to complete and sign the Media Consent Form which may form part of the Enrolment Application Form.

The Media Consent Form will be placed on the student’s file or record and will be retained by the respective school and/or Catholic Education Services. If requested, a copy of the form will be made available.

This consent, once given, will be amended or revoked only upon receipt of written notification from the parent/guardian who gave it originally or individual (if over 18 years of age).

Parents and/or guardians should notify the Enrolments Registrar immediately if any circumstance arises that would prevent the school/CES/associated organisations from using their child’s photo, video images or work samples.


No remuneration is offered to students for whom consent is given to take part in marketing or promotional activities whether at the school or CES level.


At all times ownership of any material obtained from the above activities will vest with either the school or Cairns Catholic Education.

Families, friends and community members

Any photos or video of students taken by families, friends and/or community members at school activities must be for personal use only and not used in public places outside the school including social networking sites.

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