Research shows that more than any other subject or skill, our children’s futures are all but determined by how well they learn to read. Want to know more? Watch the first video in our Cairns Catholic Education, Reading & Numeracy Series – Reading with your child.
2. Warm-up for reading – Reading & Numeracy Series
We warm up when we get out of bed in the morning and we warm up before exercise or sport. So why not warm up before reading? Want to know more? Watch the second video in our Cairns Catholic Education, Reading & Numeracy Series – Warm-up for reading.
3. Don’t Interrupt Unless – Reading & Numeracy Series
When a child is learning to read it is important not to interrupt, unless it is really necessary. Constantly interrupting can disrupt your child’s efforts to understand what they are reading so that the meaning is lost. It can take the fun out of reading and reduce your child’s confidence. Want to know more? Watch […]
4. How Our Kids Become Great Readers – Reading and Numeracy Series
Developing skills and passion for reading at an early age is critical to a child’s development. How we achieve that is not rocket science – we can all do it!
5. Talk About It – Reading & Numeracy Series
How much talking occurs in your family? And how much of that talking involves your children, either directly or listening in? Research tells us that until children learn to read, most of what they know is learnt from hearing other people talk, usually in their family setting. Want to know more? Watch the fifth video […]
Anne Henderson – Successful Partnerships
This 20 minute video of Anne Henderson from the Annenberg Institute for School Reform, Washington DC, discusses parent engagement with a group of Catholic educators and parents in Melbourne. While the evidence in favour of parent engagement is compelling, many schools struggle with how to do it effectively. This video is a useful starting point […]
Stay or go?
That’s the big question for parents accompanying their children to their first day of Prep. Our Prep teachers provide some good advice on how to handle a sometimes emotional separation. Big tip: Our children adjust a lot easier than we think.
Who’s Most Nervous on Day One
Who is the most nervous on the first day of school for Preppies – the children, their parents, or the teachers? We ask some teachers and parents about their experience on the first day of school.
Talking to your teacher
Prep teachers love having a chat to parents. But there are a couple of tips about how to get the best value out of contacting your child’s teacher. Our Prep teachers offer some good advice.
Language Lessons Every Day
When you are four or five years old, learning language is an everyday experience. Cairns Catholic Education’s speech pathologists provide some tips on helping your child to develop his or her language skills in readiness for Prep. Learn how to ‘seize the moment’.