Staff Spotlight: Shannon Grantley, Highly Accomplished Teacher - Catholic Education

Staff Spotlight: Shannon Grantley, Highly Accomplished Teacher

St Thomas of Villanova Parish School Year 2 Teacher Shannon Grantley is the latest teacher in the Cairns Diocese to receive Highly Accomplished Teacher status.

The nationally-recognised Highly Accomplished Teacher and Lead Teacher (HAT and LT) certification allows experienced teachers to advance their career, receive recognition for the impact of their practice and have a positive impact within their school community. We spoke to our latest HAT-certified teacher, Shannon Grantley, on the process, the benefits and her advice to other teachers interested in applying.

Cairns Catholic Education Services Executive Director Bill Dixon congratulating Highly Accomplished Teacher Shannon Grantley.

What was the process of certification like?

The requirements were rigorous and pedantic, but there was a lot of opportunity to reflect on classroom practice and professional experiences. I enjoyed exploring how teachers positively impact each others\’ practice and how that improves student outcomes. The process is self-directed, requires persistence and is a wonderful reminder of the complex and skilled job teachers do.

What are the benefits of certification?

A comprehensive understanding of the AITSL Professional Standards for Teachers, insight into how teachers move through the career stages, validation of my professional impact and a pay rise.

How does it feel to be the first in your school to receive certification?

I am grateful for having had the opportunity to pursue certification, and I am very proud of my colleagues for supporting me in a process we were all unfamiliar with. 

What advice would you give to others who may be interested in applying?

Have clarity about where your practice sits in regard to the career stage. Be systematic; deconstruct the 37 AITSL descriptors and work out what you have done or what you will need to do to achieve them. Be communicative and collaborative; talk to colleagues and leadership about taking on development opportunities and how you can support the school and system goals. Be creative; consider how you can improve existing resources or processes in your school. Be confident; take the initiative.

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